Volunteering on the Ledger: Alternative Currencies

Volunteer Scotland and the University of Edinburgh’s Centre for Design Informatics, with Northumbria University, invite you to join us for Workshop #2 of ‘the inside track on blockchain’ series.

This unique research event is designed to shape an innovative and emerging technology towards the practical needs and aspirations of volunteers and volunteer-involving organisations.

Join a small group of peers and help determine how blockchain technology can solve key challenges and create new forms of value within the sector.

On the day, as well as taking you through the key features of blockchains relating to alternative or social currencies we’ll be developing ideas about how these can be relevant for anyone involved in volunteering.

This second-of-3 workshops will dive deeper into: Alternative Currenciesto:

  • Consider different kinds of alternative currencies
  • Elicit how volunteers are valued, and what volunteers value themselves
  • Explore how alternative currencies can be used to create and exchange different forms of value for volunteers
  • Co-create your own alternative currency for the voluntary sector

We are looking for willing participants with an open mind to new technologies and with experience of volunteering and the sector. As a bespoke, design-led workshop, a working knowledge of blockchain is not required. The workshop is highly participative and will use creative practical exercises and novel approaches to convey ideas, connect these with familiar challenges in the sector, and foster mutual understanding and co-creation.

Volunteering on the Ledger: Alternative Currencies
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